What is REST?


The term RESTful APIs or RESTful services is a hot topic. So what is REST? And how do we create a so-called RESTful API? Good question! Let’s talk about this often misunderstood phrase…

A Loose Definition

When someone says, “REST service,” “REST API” or “RESTful API” they more-than-likely mean an HTTP or Web-based server that accepts requests over HTTP and responds in human-readable JSON.

Yep, that really is it. But there are a lot of nuances–read on to discover more details!

Defining REST

Technically, REST is an acronym for “REpresentational State Transfer” which is simply an architectural style originally written about by Roy Fielding in his doctoral dissertation (see https://www.ics.uci.edu/~fielding/pubs/dissertation/rest_arch_style.htm ). You can read more details about the six constraints here, but first I want to give you a brief overview of what people mean when they say “REST.”

To be clear, the constraints in Roy Fielding’s dissertation MUST be met in order for a service to be technically RESTful. And the REST constraints do not specify a communication protocol. However, at this point the term is used very loosely and in today’s Internet world, RESTful almost always means an HTTP-based API. That means it operates in a request-response fashion over HTTP, usually using JSON as the data format in the request and response bodies. Though there are a lot of nuances, it’s really just that simple!

In other words, the caller (or client):

  • Makes an HTTP request to a URL…
    • Using one of the standard HTTP methods (GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE, etc.)…
    • With some content (usually JSON) in the body…
  • And waits for a response, which:
    • Indicates status via an HTTP response code
    • And usually has more JSON in the body.


For example, say we wanted to search iTunes for RadioHead songs. We would call the iTunes Search API (See: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/AudioVideo/Conceptual/iTuneSearchAPI/index.html ).

We can use ‘curl’ on the command-line as follows. In this case all the query-string paremeters on the URL are simply telling the search API what term to search for (radiohead), how many results we want returned (3), and the type of media (music):

curl -i 'https://itunes.apple.com/search?term=radiohead&media=music&limit=3'

Which returns the following JSON response:

         "collectionName":"In Rainbows",
         "trackName":"15 Step",
         "collectionCensoredName":"In Rainbows",
         "trackCensoredName":"15 Step",
         "collectionName":"In Rainbows",
         "collectionCensoredName":"In Rainbows",
         "collectionName":"In Rainbows",
         "trackName":"Weird Fishes / Arpeggi",
         "collectionCensoredName":"In Rainbows",
         "trackCensoredName":"Weird Fishes / Arpeggi",